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Understanding your data destinations is crucial for effective analytics. With ‘Unified Data Pipeline’, we've made it simple and seamless. Our system operates by unifying all tracking efforts into one integration within the Freave One platform, capturing real-time, first-party tracking data based on user interactions.

The events generated from these interactions are then routed to your selected data warehouses or product analytics tools. This provides you with a comprehensive data pipeline of every user interaction with touchpoints on the Freave One platform, offering a detailed view of how users interact with your publication.

Our supported data destinations include well-established warehouses like Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake, and database-oriented warehouses like MySQL and PostgreSQL. For product analytics, we support tools like Mixpanel and Posthog. With this array of options, you can choose the destination that aligns best with your analytical needs.

This process requires no configuration on your part and comes at no extra cost, further enhancing the value of the Freave One ecosystem.


For nearly all data warehouses events are inserted in batch, to maintain a performant data pipeline at differentiations loads. To ensure near real-time user data, we'll sync data up to every five minutes.


Snowflake's unique architecture allows for instant elasticity, secure data sharing, and per-second pricing, making it an ideal choice for scalable data needs. Our integration with Snowflake ensures that all user interaction events captured on the Freave One platform are routed seamlessly to your Snowflake instance in near real-time. This enables your analysts and marketeers to leverage real-time, first-party data for in-depth analysis and insights. It's simple to set up and designed to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date view of your users' behavior. Snowflake might be your best choice if you:

  • Need to store large amounts of data over long periods of time
  • Require scalability and elasticity for a changing user base
  • Are looking for secure, fast access to stored data.


BigQuery is the data warehouse of choice for organizations who need fast, secure and cost-effective solutions. Our integration allows your organization to quickly set up a connection between Freave One and your BigQuery instance, routing user interaction events to the desired destination in near real-time. This provides you with a comprehensive view of your users' behaviour, enabling your team to make more informed decisions and capitalize on valuable insights.


Amazon Redshift is highly scalable and cost-effective data warehousing solution. Our integration with Redshift allows you to easily route user interaction events from Freave One to your desired destination in near real-time. This ensures that all of the data collected through your tracking efforts is stored securely, enabling you to gain deeper insights on each individual user's behaviour and identify trends. With Redshift specifically, you get to take advantage of Amazon's high performance and scalability. This makes it an ideal choice for organizations that are already using Amazon (for data analysis).

MySQL and PostgreSQL

Using a general purpose database as a data warehouse can be a great solution for organizations looking for cost-effective options. Our integration with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases allows you to quickly route user interaction events from Freave One to your desired destination in near real-time. While generally less performant than dedicated data warehouses, the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of using a general purpose database may make it a better choice for some organizations.

Product analytics tools


Leveraging Mixpanel, you can easily analyze user behavior and make data-driven decisions. Our integration with Mixpanel allows you to quickly route user interaction events from Freave One to your desired destination in near real-time. This ensures that all of the data collected through your tracking efforts is stored securely, enabling you to gain deeper insights on each individual user's behaviour and identify trends. With Mixpanel specifically, you get to take advantage of their powerful analytics and visualization tools. This makes it an ideal choice for organizations that are looking for a powerful product analytics tool.


Posthog is an open-source product analytics platform that allows you to easily analyze user behavior and make data-driven decisions. Because it's open-source, you can host it yourself and have full control over your data. That might also make it more cost-effective in your situation.