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Dive into the world of Events, Event Types, and Data Structures. This guide will serve as your comprehensive resource for understanding how user interactions are tracked, categorized, and used for data analysis on our platform. You'll gain insights into the diverse range of event types and the underlying data structures that form the foundation of our analytics system. This knowledge will empower you to make the most of the data generated by your publication, whether you're a novice or an expert in data analytics.


Deze pagina is in het Engels zodat je 'm gemakkelijk kunt delen met je ontwikkelaars en leveranciers.

User identity

As a user, when you log into our system, a unique identifier known as a 'userId' becomes part of your profile. This ID's structure, consistency, and accessibility hinge on the specifics of your Identity and Access Management (IAM) setup.

For those utilizing Freave One's OpenID Connect integration, we create a link between the 'sub' property of your identity token and the user ID within our platform. This linked ID then becomes our means of tracking interactions.

If your implementation is customized, the ID assigned may vary. In case of uncertainty, don't hesitate to reach out to us for clarification. We're here to help!

Anonymous users

Anonymous visitors will be assigned a unique cookie with an anonymousId that’ll be used to track their events.

Logged-in users

Events generated by logged-in users will always have a userId property that you may use to uniquely identify a user.

Note: logged-in users will *also* have an anonymousId, so you can also associate the events from before they logged in with their user profile.

Event types

  • page - A pageview
  • identify - Identifies (new) users
  • group - Identifies (new) groups
  • track - Specific events


Events are actions or occurrences detected by Freave One that are relevant to your digital environment. They represent real-time user activity and interactions, from generic actions like a pageview to more specific events related to unique services, such as interactions with your paywall.

Whether it's a user landing on a homepage, clicking a link, or interacting with a paywall prompt, each event is captured and logged, providing a wealth of data about user behavior. This granular insight is crucial in understanding your audience's needs, preferences, and behaviors, empowering you to make informed decisions to optimize user experience and drive engagement.